This I Believe

In 1992 I moved from the religion of my childhood, to the religion of my ancestors. But I would come to believe that jumping spokes was only a lateral move. All spokes are required to hold the wheel of religion intact with God at the center. But what if the …

American Moment

[Asked by the Obama Campaign to respond to the presidential election of 2008, this is what I wrote] Perhaps I’ve never looked for an invitation from my government to share my story, or maybe the government has never asked. But I am grateful for the invitation now. Sometimes people get …

Living Between The Slashes

I am using Facebook as if it were my blog now, which feels scattered, ineffectual and disingenuous, especially with some bleak attempts (as they are) at thoughtful discourse mixed in with what-are-you-doing-right-now sorts of communiques. (“My puppy wagged his tail at me and I gave him a bone. Brought warm …