Another Tribe out there: the Tribe of Voters

The Senate contest between incumbent Senator Mike Lee and Independent challenger Evan McMullin is still a no-brainer, even after their October 17, 2022 debate at Utah Valley University. The Senate contest between incumbent Senator Mike Lee and Independent challenger Evan McMullin is still a no-brainer, even after their October 17 …

Baby Killer: Conversation with Sonja Farnsworth about Agit-Prop in Kathryn Lynard’s “Hollow”

Recently, I had the privilege of having a short story appear in Moth & Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death, published by Signature Books (2017). It’s a collection of short (most of them around 1,000 words each) essays, sketches, short stories, illustrations, poems … even a play. And of course, the small …

“Dream House” Returns to Provo as part of the Book Festival

Pioneer Book and the Utah Humanities Book Festival present a reading and book signing in Provo of “Dream House on Golan Drive.” I’ve given one reading in Provo. It was last winter at the Provo Public Library at Academy Square where I was flattered to have Library Director Gene Nelson …

DREAM HOUSE at the SLC Sunstone Symposium, July 27-30, 2016

I’ve had a long history with the Sunstone Symposium where I’ve spoken often on everything from theater and Mormonism to temple marriages; and from self-hating Mormons to a reading of my play “Hydrogen Bond” with TheatreWorks West. (You can hear podcasts of some of these appearances here.) I’ve also had …

DREAM HOUSE listed as a “Good Summer Read” by Continuum Magazine

“As you sit by the pool or under a shade tree this summer, why not pick up a book written by one of our own? These University of Utah grads and profs have written about everything from their personal experience with dating to the history of tequila.”


Geez…maybe I should renew my membership to UofU Alumni.

Thanks to Continuum Magazine for listing DREAM HOUSE ON GOLAN DRIVE as a “good summer read.”

Proud to be a graduate of the University of Utah (Class of 94, MA) and to be listed along with Paul Ketzle and his debut novel THE LATE MATTHEW BROWN.



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